متحف فرونتيرز أوف فلايت
To educate, motivate, and inspire all ages in North Texas by presenting aviation and space flight history and innovation through our comprehensive exhibits, collections, programming and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum.Our VisionTo be widely recognized as a preeminent educational resource for enhancing our youth's understanding and appreciation of Science, Math, and Technology through interaction with our world-class Museum of aviation history, science, and technology.
المسافة من نقاط الاهتمام الرئيسية
- Dallas Love Field Airport: 1.50 miles
- مركز كاي بيلي هاتشيسون للمؤتمرات: 5.08 miles
- مطار مطار دالاس فورتشن فورتشن واشنطن الدولي: 12.64 miles
- ملعب AT&T: 16.38 ميلاً
(214) 351-0101