16 مارس
Boho Market | Spring Break
The Boho Market, the largest open-air makers market in Texas.
The Boho Market, the largest open-air makers market in Texas, has been bringing local, handcrafted and vintage items together to open-air venues across Texas since 2016! Vendors are hand-selected by The Boho Market Team to ensure that each shopper will encounter local folks offering local goods, right in their community!
المسافة من نقاط الاهتمام الرئيسية
- مركز كاي بيلي هاتشيسون للمؤتمرات: 1.06 ميل
- مطار دالاس لوف فيلد 5.46 ميل
- مطار مطار دالاس فورتشن فورتشن واشنطن الدولي: 15.92 miles
- ملعب AT&T: 17.17 ميلاً
أحداث ذات صلة
الشركاء ذوو الصلة
Klyde Warren Park created green space ?out of thin air,? connecting Dallas? vibrant Uptown neighborhood with its award-winning Arts District and downtown business center. Since opening in 2012, it has become the city?s beloved town square, welcoming more than one million visitors each year and earning national acclaim.Klyde Warren Park…