7 मार्च
डाउनटाउन डलास फूड टूर की खोज करें
Every Friday at 5pm
Discover Downtown Dallas food tour is the perfect combination of culture and cuisine. Explore downtown Dallas restaurants, and the new AT&T Discovery Center high-tech entertainment district and its interactive installations. Art abounds from the giant eyeball sculpture to the city’s most sought-after hotels and private art collections.
Venture off the beaten path to reflect in Thanksgiving square, snap insta-worthy photos with the world-famous Golden Boy statue, and look up at Dallas’s iconic red flying Pegasus. This tour includes sit-down restaurants, optional cocktails and artisan eateries of the exchange food hall. From local gems in historic buildings to renowned restaurants, indulge your taste buds and your curiosity!
प्रमुख दर्शनीय स्थलों से दूरी
- के बेली हचिसन कन्वेंशन सेंटर: 1.04 मील
- डलास लव फील्ड हवाई अड्डा: 5.58 मील
- डी.एफ.डब्लू. अंतर्राष्ट्रीय हवाई अड्डा: 16.06 मील
- एटी&टी स्टेडियम: 17.31 मील
संबंधित घटनाएँ
28 फ़रवरी
2121 मैकिनी एवेन्यू डलास, TX 75201 (214) 922-4848
सितंबर तक शुक्रवार और शनिवार को शाम 7:30 बजे से रात 10 बजे तक - कार्यक्रम अभी चल रहा है
Mar 3
400 North Olive St
Dallas , TX 75201
This event repeats weekly on Mondays.
संबंधित भागीदार
Welcome to Dallas Food Tours, where every bite reveals the soul of this vibrant city! Join us on an unforgettable culinary journey as we explore Dallas through its bold flavors and hidden gems. Led by knowledgeable local guides, our tours take you to the heart of Dallas' food scene, with…