청소년과 함께하는 달라스 봄방학
십대 자녀가 있을 때 댈러스에서 해야 할 일.
Updated March 2024
청소년에게 봄방학은 일 년 중 가장 좋은 주간 중 하나입니다. 긴장을 풀고 재충전하며 새로운 모험을 할 수 있는 완벽한 기회이기 때문이죠. 하지만 부모 입장에서는 일주일 내내 매일 무엇을 해야 할지 아이디어를 떠올리느라 스트레스를 받을 수 있습니다. 다행히도 이번 달라스 봄방학에는 월요일부터 금요일까지 알차게 보낼 수 있는 완벽한 계획이 준비되어 있습니다.
1일차 - 웨스트엔드에서의 월요일
It’s time for animal adventure that’s equal parts weird and cuddly. The Dallas World Aquarium
is filled with exotic marine life from the farthest corners of the seven seas. But fish aren’t the only amazing animals waiting to be discovered. Manatees, giant anteaters, three-toed sloths, colorful tree frogs and mischievous tamarins are sure to give you a reason to be excited about what’s around the next corner.
You can’t trust everything you see, and that’s certainly the case at the Museum of Illusions. This epic collection of mind-boggling exhibits is designed to trick your sense of reality. Perfect for Instagram-worthy pic, the museum lets you and your teens start down a never-ending abyss, lose your sense of up and down and see the real you in a rainbow of colors.
Relish authentic Texan cuisine at the Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse. Settle into the inviting and rustic space, where your taste buds will be treated to a king’s feast of southwestern dishes. Explore a wide range of menu items including Nashville hot fried oysters, Buffalo filet mignon, and shrimp and grits.
2일차 - 화요일 예술 지구에서
구식 보물찾기로 화요일을 제대로 시작해보세요. 아트 디스트릭트 하이스트는 악명 높은 도둑을 추적하면서 조각품, 벽화, 유적지를 탐험하는 게임이에요! 재미있는 수수께끼와 퍼즐을 풀면서 도시에 대해 더 많이 배우고 숨막히는 건축물을 볼 수 있는 좋은 방법입니다.
달라스 미술관에는 수세기에 걸친 인류 역사를 아우르는 예술품이 전시되어 있습니다. 인류의 기원을 탐구하는 고대 메소아메리카 조각부터 뇌를 자극하는 현대 미술까지, DMA는 전 세계 모든 시대와 인류의 영혼을 들여다보는 창을 제공합니다.
박물관 밖 클라이드 워렌 파크의 푸드 트럭 레인에서 다양한 점심 식사 옵션을 찾을 수 있습니다. 다양한 옵션이 있어 입맛 까다로운 십대 자녀도 좋아하는 음식을 찾을 수 있습니다.
Day 3 – Wednesday in North Dallas
For your music lover, The Spin Coffee and Vinyl is a hybrid establishment that combines a coffee shop with a record store. How cool is that! And we know vinyl is cool again. Bonus points for their cereal bar. After, make sure to check out the Titanic Exhibit in Dallas: An Immersive Experience, with amazing recreations of the ship and storytelling of the history.
Tone it down a notch and go a little old-school with ice skating at the Galleria. Skate as long as you like, and show your kids what being cool really means.
Wrap up the day with burgers from Hopdoddy Burger Bar. While you can certainly get a great burger or chicken sandwich at Hopdoddy, the best part is you can trick your teens into eating “healthy” with the Hot Honey Sage Brussels or Buffalo Brussels. It’s a win-win for you and them.
4일차 - 목요일 댈러스 다운타운
If staring eye-to-eye with a three-story eyeball is on your bucket list, you can see one right here in the heart of Downtown Dallas. The eye is enclosed in the Joule Hotel’s lush garden (and closed to the public) but you can’t miss it when you’re walking by. The ultra-realistic fiberglass eyeball complete with streaky red veins is an exact replica of its creator, Tony Tasset’s eye. The funky art installation seems like it should be a roadside attraction and not on the grounds of one of Dallas’ swankiest hotels, but who are we to judge. After all, art is in the eye of the beholder.
Witness one of the most magnificent views in all of Texas. At 470 feet tall, Reunion Tower is one of the city’s most iconic landmarks. But the view from inside the ball is even better! If you think the breathtaking 360-degree views of Downtown Dallas and the surrounding neighborhoods are impressive, wait until you watch the sunset.
For dinner, grab a bite at Café Herrera, an upscale Mexican restaurant that’s vibrant and authentic. Serving traditional dishes alongside contemporary favorites, Café Herrera is family owned and a great way to end the day.
5일차 - 페어 파크에서의 금요일
We saved the best for last. Rainbow Vomit. Those two simple words will have your teenagers ready to go in about 2.3 seconds. Rainbow Vomit is a 2600-square-foot immersive art experience that transports you into a fantasy of flight. Combining 10000 LEDs, 2000 Balloons, 300 pounds of cotton, 4 miles of ribbon, and a life-sized unicorn, Rainbow Vomit is something you must see to believe.
Take your tastebuds on a journey around the world with delicious culinary options at the Dallas Farmers Market. Italian. Indian. Vietnamese. Thai. They even have shawarma and sushi! It’s everything you’ve always wanted to try but have never had the chance.
And finally, wrap up your week with a Broadway musical live at Music Hall at Fair Park. For over 80 years Broadway Dallas has delivered the hottest, most award-winning, edge-of-your seat exciting shows to our diverse, multi-generational audiences.