DFW International Community Alliance
DFW International Community Alliance is the portal to international North Texas, a region in which 239 languages are spoken, and 44% of the residents are New Americans. We are a network of over 1,600 internationally-focused organizations in Dallas/Fort Worth that embodies the cultural and economic vibrancy of the global community. We focus on education, cultural events, and communication.
Расстояние от основных достопримечательностей
- Аэропорт Даллас Лав Филд: 6,33 мили
- Конференц-центр Кей Бейли Хатчисон: 10.33 miles
- Международный аэропорт DFW: 14.80 miles
- Стадион AT&T: 21.58 miles
(972) 239-3606