Парк Клайд Уоррен
To provide free programming and educational opportunities for the enrichment of visitors’ lives, to showcase the diverse multitude of cultures and talents Dallas has to offer, and to be a town square where citizens may congregate and create traditions together. The 5.2-acre park relies on contributions from donors to keep it clean, safe and active for more than one million visitors each year.
Расстояние от основных достопримечательностей
- Конференц-центр Кей Бейли Хатчисон: 1,04 мили
- Аэропорт Даллас Лав Филд: 5,43 мили
- Международный аэропорт DFW: 15.85 миль
- Стадион AT&T: 17.08 миль
(214) 716-4550