今年四月达拉斯必做的 10 件事
Whether it's celebrating Dallas Arts Month, watching sports games, or sipping on rooftop cocktails, there's something for everyone to enjoy in Dallas this April!
(Updated March 2025)
- Attend the Dallas Art Fair, April 10-13, and engage with a rich selection of modern and contemporary artworks presented by leading national and international galleries.
- 在我们的 YouTube 系列 "达拉斯艺术的灵感"中,您可以了解到更多有关达拉斯创意人士的信息。
- 参观达拉斯众多令人难以置信的艺术博物馆之一!在达拉斯艺术博物馆(Dallas Museum of Art)欣赏令人难以置信的作品,在纳舍雕塑中心(Nasher Sculpture Center)欣赏发人深省的雕塑,在德克萨斯大学达拉斯分校乌鸦亚洲艺术博物馆(Crow Museum of Asian Art)参观具有几个世纪历史的文物。想了解更多信息?查看《如何在达拉斯艺术区度过 24 小时》行程表。
- If you're in the mood for performing arts, check out options at AT&T Performing Arts Center like "Waitress" at Wyly Theatre, "Alice" at Wyly Studio Theatre, and "Mean Girls" at Winspear Opera House.

2. Dine Al Fresco
April means it's officially patio weather! From swanky rooftop lounges to charming family-owned rooftop terraces, here is just a sample of the best rooftop dining options in Dallas. Also check out some of our favorite spots to dine outside in Oak Lawn

3.使用 CityPass 游览达拉斯
Save on some of Dallas' best attractions with the Dallas CityPASS®! Dallas CityPASS® gets you in the door at four of our top, must-see stops like the Perot Museum of Nature and Science and Reunion Tower GeO-Deck along with the options of visiting two more attractions such as the Dallas Zoo, George W. Bush Presidential Museum and the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum. Prices start at $39 for children and and $57 for adults.

Enjoy a few of our favorite brunch options either by dine-in or to take home such as the Mexican inspired, Sunday's-only brunch at Beto & Son which offers a succulent, triple-glazed ham. Or enjoy a cocktail brunch at Perry's Steakhouse and Grill with your friends. For those seeking a little bit of an elevated experience, Al Biernats' brunch has unbelievable egg dishes and a full brunch menu that is sure to delight.

Spring is the season of sports! With too many games to count (outside of football, of course), all sports fans can see as many games as they'd like. Your choices include hockey games with the Texas Stars, baseball with the Texas Rangers, volleyball's Athlete's Unlimited Championship, FC Dallas, Dallas Jackals and the Dallas Mavs. Stay Downtown for a central location to take in all the action. Looking for where to go before a game at the AAC? Check out our pre-game guide.

- 达拉斯农贸市场每周开放七天,这里有丰富的美食、购物体验和活动,还能欣赏到达拉斯天际线的美景,是您享受美好时光的新去处。请查看我们的指南,了解下次光临时您可以做什么、吃什么和享受什么。
- 达拉斯雷鬼音乐节(Dallas Reggae Festival)欢迎各家庭前来享受加勒比风味美食、艺术、手工艺品和雷鬼音乐。这个一年一度的节日将几代人团结在一起,并通过音乐促进文化平等。
- 海湾社区市场是一个适合家庭的露天市场,在四月和五月的每个星期五晚上,都会有食品和农产品供应商以及工匠和手工艺者参加。
Challenge your fitness level as you get a different view of the city by running the Skyline Half Marathon, 10K and 5K on April 26. Runners will be challenged with courses that take them over bridges and through West Dallas neighborhoods. Celebrate at the finish line with beer, a DJ and a fun after party in the Trinity Groves area.

Just minutes from Downtown Dallas on the shore of White Rock Lake you can find the Southwest's largest outdoor floral festival! Until April 13, you can soak in the sun, sights, sounds and scents of spring at the Dallas Arboretum's spring feature: Dallas Blooms.
The Rodeo Bar is in Downtown Dallas in the basement of The Adolphus Hotel. Pose with the red neon sign and lounge on lush leather as you snack on a classic corn dog or a rodeo burger and sip on a Real Cold Cocktail made of whiskey and frozen Dr. Pepper.