儿童癌症基金第 35 届年度晚会
儿童癌症基金晚会旨在庆祝 35 年来的生存故事。晚会将于 2025 年 4 月 11 日星期五在达拉斯希尔顿阿纳托尔酒店(Hilton Anatole Dallas)举行,下午 6 点开始无声拍卖和贵宾招待会,晚上 7 点开始晚宴、时装秀和节目表演。晚会联合主席洛瑞-琼斯(Lori Jones)和梅雷迪斯-兰德(Meredith Land)将与名誉联合主席特洛伊-艾克曼(Troy Aikman)和达克-普雷斯科特(Dak Prescott)一起为晚会揭幕。
CCF 晚会预计将筹集 100 多万美元,用于支持儿童健康中心和UT Southwestern 的儿科癌症研究和治疗项目。艾克曼和普雷斯科特将与其他名人和赞助商一起,为 5-15 岁的儿科癌症患者走秀护航,这些患者将在年度时装秀上展示迪拉德百货公司的时装。
- 凯-贝利-哈奇森会议中心: 2.42 英里
- 达拉斯爱田机场4.06 英里
- 华盛顿国际机场: 14.09 英里
- AT&T 体育场: 15.59 英里
Galleria Dallas celebrates local entrepreneurs and the businesses that they own. From one-of-a-kind apparel and jewelry to candles and baked goods. Vendors will donate 10% of sales during the weekend to Dallas Children's Advocacy Center. The mission of Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center is to improve the lives of abused children in Dallas County and to provide national leadership on child abuse issues.
Good Market Vendors:
Byndr Leather Goods, handmade leather goods created in Dallas and made to last a lifetime
Castillo de Flores, a maker of one-of-a-kind floral arrangements that help recipients remember to keep blooming
Cool Crayations, a shop selling cool crayons in designs that empower and educate children
Gelato La Boca, a gelato cart serving refreshing artisanal Argentine gelato
LIO Jewelry, handcrafted fine jewelry that is sweat-proof and sustainable
Luminary Lifestyle, sophisticated and comfortable ready-to-wear pieces for all seasons
Malibu Apothecary, a destination-inspired fragrance company that gives back to coastal conservation efforts
Mended, textiles and home goods hand block-printed by survivor artisans to support education, food supply and home building
Mini Majer, mahjong game kits designed to teach children American Mahjong
P.Cill, women’s apparel that is stylish while comfortable to wear
Ruth and Ralph, timeless, hand-smocked and embroidered children’s wear
Swap Top, the maker of hats for kids and adults that show off your favorite charms
Taylor Paladino, watercolor stationery and home accessories featuring original designs